Benefits of Creating a Trust

A trust is a legal contract that names a trustee to manage your assets during your life and after your death. There are a lot of benefits to creating a trust. If you are looking for a Williamsburg trust lawyer, you can’t go wrong with the experienced and knowledgeable people at Zaremba Center for Estate Planning & Elder Law. We can help you set up your trust and make sure your assets and estate are taken care of. Request a consultation today and read on to learn more about the benefits of creating a trust.


Avoid Court-Supervised Probate of Assets and Manage Unique Assets That Are Not Easily Divisible

Trust assets don’t typically need to go through the court-supervised probate process like assets that are in your will, which means your family can often get access to your assets more quickly and simply. A trust can also help you better manage assets that are not as easily, divisible such as your home or property you have.

Manage Spending and Investments for Beneficiaries and Reduce Income Taxes

If your eighteen-year-old granddaughter is irresponsible with money, it might not make sense to immediately leave her an inheritance. With a trust, you can dictate how she can use that money until she is old enough to use it responsibly.


Simplify Retirement and Provide Liquidity to The Estate

Creating a trust can make your retirement simpler. It helps you get your affairs in order faster and can create liquidity in your estate so the assets can be divided up easier. They allow you to customize your legacy and give you long-lasting control over the way your assets are distributed.

Support a Cause or Charity of Your Choice

Finally, a trust can allow you to give to a charity or cause that you are passionate about. If you have something you are passionate about or a charity you feel does good work, leaving them something in a trust can feel good.


If you are looking for a way to create a trust, a Williamsburg trust lawyer can help. The experienced lawyers at Zaremba Center for Estate Planning & Elder Law can help you get your affairs in order, get your estate planning done, and create a trust to ensure everything is taken care of for you and your loved ones. Request a consultation today.