4 Items to Update in Your Will as an Empty Nester

Embracing the new chapter of life as an empty nester brings significant changes, not just in your daily life but also in how you plan for the future. At Zaremba Center, your trusted Williamsburg estate planning attorney, we understand the importance of ensuring that your will reflects your current circumstances. As you navigate this transition, updating your will is a crucial step in safeguarding your legacy and ensuring your wishes are honored.

Reassessing Asset Distribution

As your children have grown and moved out, it’s essential to revisit how your assets are distributed. You may want to adjust bequests to your children or include grandchildren in your will. A Williamsburg estate planning attorney can help review your asset allocation, ensuring it aligns with your current wishes and family dynamics.

family with adults and older children

Updating Guardianship Designations

With your children now independent, the guardianship designations in your will may no longer be relevant. It’s important to update these designations to reflect the current realities. This might include removing guardianship clauses or adjusting them to focus on potential future grandchildren.

Couple discussing will

Reviewing Executors and Trustees

Life changes, and so do relationships. The executor or trustee you initially chose may no longer be the best fit. As an empty nester, reassess who is best suited to manage your estate and uphold your wishes. An Estate Planning Williamsburg professional can guide you through selecting a responsible and trustworthy individual for these roles.

couple looking over paperwork

Considering Changes in Financial and Health Care Directives

Your financial situation and healthcare needs may have evolved. Ensure that your will and any associated documents, like a living will or health care proxy, are updated to reflect your current financial status and health care preferences. This ensures clarity and ease for your family in managing your affairs if you’re unable to.

Transitioning to an empty nest is a significant milestone that calls for a review and update of your estate plan. At Zaremba Center, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive estate planning services in Williamsburg. Contact us today to ensure your will accurately reflects your current life stage and secures your legacy.

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